Tuesday, December 22, 2009

4 months til go time

So it's been 2 months since my last post and here's why. I'm just not that interesting. When I first started dieting for competition I thought it was extremely difficult and really was supposed to take a huge toll on the body. Don't get me wrong, at 4 months out I still have a long way to go, but I have to say this journey has been much easier so far. About 5 years ago a co-worker said to me "a calorie is a calorie" and as long as my protein was on point I could get away with some "non bodybuilder foods." Things that I like such as white rice and bread, occasional sweet or some fried calamari and of course my most favorite cheat item...wine and beer.

Now let's not get too crazy...I only have bread maybe once a week. I've SAMPLED a fried food here and there and when I drink it's usually no more than 3 drinks. Also, I definitely make sure I keep my diet really tight leading up to any type of eating/drinking event. Also, if I eat something bad I won't drink or vice versa. Finally when I do cheat I generally keep it within my 2,500 calorie budget, make sure I eat my protein and will definitely eat less and work out more the next day.

That being said here's the progress report. As of 12/21 my weight is 174 pounds this was coming off a week away for work (which means I eat out every day, every meal!!!). My tight waist measurement is 30 inches!!! This is the leanest I've been since 2006 and the last time I was this lean I was 12 pounds lighter.

Diet is two weeks of 2,500 calories, 300 grams of protein and low fat. Then I'll do a "diet" week where I have 3 to 4 zero carb days. The goal is to trick my body to shed fat, but not be low carb all the time to keep my metabolism high. Also, at this rate I may only have to hard contest diet for 3 to 4 weeks or less!!! I have to say that even though I'll have some cheat food for Christmas, New Years, Superbowl and my birthday I'm already thinking about the week after the show. I know that I will enjoy some pizza, cookies, a dessert item from Common Grounds in Branford, a danish from Panera Bread, definitely some cupcakes from my friend Brenda's bakery Sugar (Main St. East Haven) and many many more food items. Until April 25th though it's all about controlled cheating...no pig outs for me...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

6 months to go

So it's been a while since I've posted something on here. With good reason. Basically yesterday was 6 months to the day until I get back on stage. Frankly I don't think it's very interesting to update this even weekly when a lot of my goals right now are to just maintain my current weight and slowly lose some body fat. Contest diets are interesting like that, you really don't have to go all out until maybe 12 to 16 weeks before the competition. So right now, I'm counting calories, working out hard and doing a little cardio. I'm still enjoying a drink or two, eating bread and the occasional cheat food.

The good news is that I'm currently at 181 lbs and my body fat is starting to get low. The clothes are looser, the veins in my arms and lower abs are starting to become more pronounced and my face is getting thinner. I'm starting to cycle my carbs just a little bit on a two week high one week low type of schedule. Nothing too difficult yet, but time is ticking.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meaurment Day 9/12

Well I gained back 3 of the 4 lbs. The good thing is that all of my upper body measurements increased significantly. The good thing is that when I was 182 my arms, chest, and shoulders were all smaller with the same waist. Now I'm 181, waist is still 30.75 but the upper body has increased .25 inches or more. The short of it is that I'm trending in the right direction.

Calories are lower this week at 2,500 and a nice curveball has been thrown in ala traveling for work. I'll be heading to Baltimore and eating what's given to me. Luckily my company was started by the owner of the Baltimore Ravens, meaning that it's made up of athletic folks and usually lunches are some type of leaner meat and there's always fruit, yogurt and I'll bring some protein. The hotel gym sucks so I'll just be trying to maintain strength by doing the same amount of exercises, just using the machine they have...we shall see.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Meaurment Day

Holy Shit I lost 4 pounds!!! I think this is the result of two weeks ago having two days of zero carbs and almost zero fat. What's great is that my strength is either the same or up still and I'm not feeling the effects of being a hair smaller. I did also undereat a couple of days because life on the road has been hectic. I'm definitely going to do a better job of keeping food with me at all times. Unfortunately when eating out for lunch no less than twice and sometimes up to 5 times a week my options are limited. The good news is that you can generally find some slab of meat and sides at any restaurant. The bad news is that my protein requirement is high and usually the cheap starchy sides override the more expensive cut of meat. Also, if I order a salad usually the average meat portion is 3 to 4 oz. NOT ENOUGH!!! So I will be carrying around protein powder from now on. As my competition draws closer I'm sure I'll be carting around pre cooked rice and sweet potatoes as well in a cooler. It's been a while since I've done that, but I have a plan. Basically I will order a salad with chicken during lunch, explain to the client that I eat light because I don't want to crash mid day and then after lunch is over hit my cooler in the car and chow on whatever extra food I'll need to hit my nutritional intake. Hey at least half my meal will be free!

Anyway, my waist is now down to 30.5 inches which is an all time low outside of competition. I'm probably only 10 lbs from contest shape and I feel great! It's nice seeing abs again! We finally unpacked our camera too so pictures to come.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The week is almost over

Waking up is getting tough...I have this nice new house with a nice huge bedroom...great right? WRONG!!! I'm so damn comfortable and it's so dark in the morning that waking up to go and work out is just plain hard! Of course the idiot that lived here before me decided that all she needed in her master bedroom addition was a french door. I guess windows are overrated! Well because of this it gets pitch black in my room at night making it even harder than normal to wake at 4:45 for my workout...AARRGGHH.

So I felt a bit tired today for my back workout. I managed to muscle my way through it of course. I've been using a preworkout supplement for energy that last few months and I'm not a huge proponent of supps, but this stuff is decent. Needless to say I'm out and won't get another can until Saturday, maybe it's mental maybe not...either way I'm tired. We'll see what the Saturday measurements bring. Still pushing for 2750 calories and 250 grams of protein.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Being less fat is good!

Bad news is that my waist stayed the same along with my weight...good news is that I lost some fat elseware and my upper body is really tightening up! My upper abs are really starting to get a nice deep separation and lowers are getting better and better each week.

I'm going to cut out bread this week just to see how I react to it. I haven't done that since my last contest and even though I have over 230 days til comp. time, I more want to experiment to see if it makes a difference. I'll still eat plenty of carbs, just from rice, potatoes, veggies, oats and beans. I'm just trying to eat only things that come from the ground OR are less processed. One thing I've learned from dieting is that most carbs are processed and/or refined. You can't really escape it... I still have to unpack my camera so no pictures yet. The unfortunate part of pictures is that they don't lie...I think I look good, but a photo really is able to find all the minor things that people overlook, this causes second place finishes. Unacceptable!

Friday, August 28, 2009

What a morning

There is nothing more motivating than feeling nice hot coffee drip down your leg....the reason of course is because I didn't close the stupid lid enough and guess what, when the lid is not closed properly the coffee leaks out when you have the cup in your pocket while taking out the trash. Fantastic.

It's been a good week though, my zero days were fine and I definitely feel like I lost some bodyfat. Of course usually when I feel like I've had a good week...POOF I gain fat. Not this week though, my diet was spot on and my calorie intake was accurate. All my lifts went well and today's chest/shoulder/triceps was a good one. Of course the hardest part is actually exiting my bed at 4:45 AM. I don't care who you are, there's no getting used to waking up that early. The nice fresh sea air helps a lot though!

I'll post my measurements tomorrow and see if I can get my wife to finally take some pictures.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Zero is done

MMMMMMMM carbs. Just pounded about 1,000 calories for breakfast including two wonderful delicious hard rolls with jelly. The coffee intake will be great today because usually the extra carbs make me sleepy. Well worth it!

Once again it was destroy back wednesday and I can still feel the remnants of the work out from an hour ago. I definitely feel like the two "zero" days dropped some bodyfat, but so far my strength at the gym has been great. I even increased on some of my reps today! Go figure I have a decent beach body at the end of the summer. Hopefully I can get at least one or two more weekends with some beach weather. Ah well, off to the jobby job.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

242 days to go

Bodybuilding is such a mind fuck. Today is an off day...I know I don't have to lift, I know that the rest is just as important as the training, yet I STILL want to just go to the gym and do some type of activity. Oh well. On this off day I reminisce of my first competition...much of the training was done up north and when my family saw my weight drop rapidly a lot of people thought I looked terrible. "Emmaciated" was used quite a bit. Interestingly enough I had almost the same amount of muscle on me just a whole lot less bodyfat from when I was 200 lbs. Although to sympathize not many men have a 27" waist!

So on this off day I will have another low carb/low fat day. My calorie intake will be around the 12 to 1500 mark. Hopefully that'll help get this lower ab fat off damnit! Diet will consist of three things...protein powder, chicken breast and maybe a steak for dinner...like I said every nutritionist's nightmare :-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

243 days to go!

Zero yesterday was pretty easy...luckily there's so much to do around home that my focus doesn't stay on food so the 1200 calories I ate wasn't that bad. Good news is that my strength in the gym was great! I maintained or went up on all lifts. Tomorrow is another off day since I switched my scheme from 5 days to 4. Definitely great for sleep time. I'll do my second zero tomorrow figuring that I'll minimize muscle damage when doing them on off days.

One other note. One of my workout buddies heard something on TV that makes perfect sense and I've been preaching this for years..."ABS ARE NOT MADE IN THE GYM, THEY ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN." I love people that try all these crazy workouts, crash diets and weird butt cleansing stuff. Folks, you have to maintain a consistent, balanced diet first and foremost. I BARELY work abs doing only 6 sets of 10 per WEEK!!! I'm starting to see lower ab veins and I definitely have a decent six pack and I'm eating 2750 calories a day! I even manage to fit in a drink or cheat food during the week. The key is no binging and 90% clean food diet. Right now this falls on deaf ears, but hey one day I'll get more than 1 follower.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Yesterday was a good day and overall had a good week considering I switched gyms. Waist measurement held at 30.75 inches (this is tensed not relaxed). The great thing is that all my upper body measurements increased! I tend to hold my fat in my legs and lower abs so the lack of increase there was great.

According to my trainer my day of contest weight could be somewhere around the 172 mark but shredded! The last time I competed I weighed 169, BUT I was not in good shape at all...I held way too much water and definitely was not in condition. It's really quite embarrassing when you prepare for 12 to 24 months and then show up only to look like crap. It's also a pretty good gut check on whether or not you really prepare properly. That won't happen again, I've worked out and watched my diet since college and have worked with my current trainer for 3.5 years. Although I'll probably compete novice I intend to win...that's my goal. He only trains winners. Call it what you will, but this is my sport, my passion and the activity that's changed my life. Going from a fat beer drinking offensive lineman to a lean athletic competitive bodybuilder was and is a big deal to me.

Anyway enough of the serious stuff. Today is an off day although I'll play some racquetball. I also have to do every nutritionist's nightmare, eat low carb AND low fat for two days. This will strip off bodyfat, but by not doing it longer than a couple of days I should retain my muscle mass. Hopefully I'll lose another quarter to half ince off my waist. I'll get some pictures up ASAP.

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Friday!!!

Nice off day yesterday...although with some frustrations at work and other things annoying the shit out of me I had a great start to my day this morning with a chest/shoulders/triceps drop set day.

Tommorrow will be interesting to see if not doing cardio for two weeks yet eating high calorie will change my measurements. Hopefully my waist will stay the same, but my other measurements will increase. We shall see. Will update later as I have to get my ass to work for some training!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

250 days

Woke up at 3:45 AM (fell asleep at 8:30 on the couch)...might as well get to the gym to get started early. Back today with a switch up on the workout.

6:40 AM: Destroyed my back today doing 6 exercises drop set style. My method of training is a bit unique comprising only of drop sets for all muscle groups. It's quick but brutal and highly effective. When you push past the point of failure and your weights move upward, muscle will be built.

No cardio this week, which is nice but when I start to do it I'm thinking that walking by the water at home is the best bet, might as well take advantage of living 2500 feet away from LI Sound! I'll be interested to see what my measurements will be after taking off from cardio for two weeks, but working on my house and moving stuff around...and now off to sell some staffing!

End of day: decent eating day today...went over by 100 calories, but I played racquetball and didnt really have to do cardio so it's all good. One thing I'm learning now that I'm training for my 5th show is that you can balance certain things. If you either reduce calories the day after eating too much, or do some extra cardio to make up for it. One thing that's nice is when you eat clean all the time the little cheats aren't a huge deal. Some may think I'm obsessing over all this stuff, but that's what bodybuilders do.

Rant: Personal Trainers....THEY SUCK! Yes I was one, so I can say this without giving a shit. Club 24 employs skinny hunched over guys and fat guys...some of these people probably never work out!!! The reason they stay employed is because the average PT client doesn't ever do anything so any workout will work...listen folks THEY TELL YOU THIS DURING TRAINING. PT is all about playing to people's emotions and then getting them to buy more sessions. Once you build a relationship with a trainer it's hard to break it...don't get me wrong there are plenty of legitimate hard workers who truly care about people and I've worked with and hired many (I will point out my friend Elaine is one of the best, no last names though!), but the majority are either uneducated or just trying to make a buck...buyer beware.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

251 days pt. 2

Had a decent eating day today...it's tough with a job that keeps you on the road and always out with clients and candidates for lunch. Right now I'm at 2750 calories and 250 grams of protein. I keep my fats below 15% which despite what some may say works quite well for me. At this calorie intake I'm happy :-) I actually have a tough time getting all the food in, but at 181 pounds with a 30.75 inch waist (that's sucked in) I guess I can't complain. The nice thing at 8 months out all I really need to track is calories and protein. As long as I keep it relatively clean there's room for a drink or two or even bread! I'll probably cut out processed carbs between 4 and 6 months out and I'm tinkering with the idea of complete gluten free. Right now I am starting to see some veins in my lower abs, shoulders and even lats. The challenge will be getting my lower body dialed in.

I think that's all for now. If someone does acutally read this and want to hear about a specific topic related to my training drop me an email at bigsd67@hotmail.com.

251 Days to go

Hello all (right now that's absolutely no one)! My name is Steve and I am a natural competitive bodybuilder. This blog is dedicated to my contest prep after a 3 year hiatus from competition. Before I get into the details I want to get a couple of facts straight. For one body building is judged on a few things and they are: symmetry, leanness or cut level, size and overall condition. It's a very subjective sport and you can win one competition and then come in second the next day based on a judge's preference (some prefer size over condition etc...). 2. I am a NATURAL competitor meaning that I do not take any performance enhancing drugs (aka steroids). The shows I compete in either have urine tests or polygraph tests...more on that later. 3. This is not a power lifting competition I will lift weights for the purpose of getting my body into great shape, but the competition itself involves posing and flexing muscles. If you don't want to hear about that then don't read this blog!!!

Today I lifted for the first time in 5 years at Gold's Gym in New Haven (I've switched many times since I worked as a trainer). I was a member there back in college and enjoy the atmosphere. When I graduated I've had memberships at Bally's, North Haven Health and Racquet, Malibu Fitness, Club 24 and I've lifted at LA Fitness a couple of times. Gold's is not fancy, nor is it very "trendy." It's a gym, it has heavy weights, a lot of equipment and people who are serious about working out, not picking up a date for the weekend. Today I lifted at 5:15 AM and did Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders. It was great getting back to Gold's. After being promoted, buying a house and moving into it the gym is my 40 minutes of alone time. It's me, the weights and my headphones.

Finally, this blog is not going to get into technical aspects of losing weight, lifting techniques or dieting. I'll talk about all of this at times but if you are interested in hiring me as a personal trainer then feel free to email me at bigsd67@hotmail.com. That's all for today just the intro. I'll try to get on here at least once a week or more with the week's goals, measurements and progress. If I can post pictures I will. Thanks for reading!