Friday, August 28, 2009

What a morning

There is nothing more motivating than feeling nice hot coffee drip down your leg....the reason of course is because I didn't close the stupid lid enough and guess what, when the lid is not closed properly the coffee leaks out when you have the cup in your pocket while taking out the trash. Fantastic.

It's been a good week though, my zero days were fine and I definitely feel like I lost some bodyfat. Of course usually when I feel like I've had a good week...POOF I gain fat. Not this week though, my diet was spot on and my calorie intake was accurate. All my lifts went well and today's chest/shoulder/triceps was a good one. Of course the hardest part is actually exiting my bed at 4:45 AM. I don't care who you are, there's no getting used to waking up that early. The nice fresh sea air helps a lot though!

I'll post my measurements tomorrow and see if I can get my wife to finally take some pictures.

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