Tuesday, August 18, 2009

251 Days to go

Hello all (right now that's absolutely no one)! My name is Steve and I am a natural competitive bodybuilder. This blog is dedicated to my contest prep after a 3 year hiatus from competition. Before I get into the details I want to get a couple of facts straight. For one body building is judged on a few things and they are: symmetry, leanness or cut level, size and overall condition. It's a very subjective sport and you can win one competition and then come in second the next day based on a judge's preference (some prefer size over condition etc...). 2. I am a NATURAL competitor meaning that I do not take any performance enhancing drugs (aka steroids). The shows I compete in either have urine tests or polygraph tests...more on that later. 3. This is not a power lifting competition I will lift weights for the purpose of getting my body into great shape, but the competition itself involves posing and flexing muscles. If you don't want to hear about that then don't read this blog!!!

Today I lifted for the first time in 5 years at Gold's Gym in New Haven (I've switched many times since I worked as a trainer). I was a member there back in college and enjoy the atmosphere. When I graduated I've had memberships at Bally's, North Haven Health and Racquet, Malibu Fitness, Club 24 and I've lifted at LA Fitness a couple of times. Gold's is not fancy, nor is it very "trendy." It's a gym, it has heavy weights, a lot of equipment and people who are serious about working out, not picking up a date for the weekend. Today I lifted at 5:15 AM and did Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders. It was great getting back to Gold's. After being promoted, buying a house and moving into it the gym is my 40 minutes of alone time. It's me, the weights and my headphones.

Finally, this blog is not going to get into technical aspects of losing weight, lifting techniques or dieting. I'll talk about all of this at times but if you are interested in hiring me as a personal trainer then feel free to email me at bigsd67@hotmail.com. That's all for today just the intro. I'll try to get on here at least once a week or more with the week's goals, measurements and progress. If I can post pictures I will. Thanks for reading!

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