Sunday, August 23, 2009


Yesterday was a good day and overall had a good week considering I switched gyms. Waist measurement held at 30.75 inches (this is tensed not relaxed). The great thing is that all my upper body measurements increased! I tend to hold my fat in my legs and lower abs so the lack of increase there was great.

According to my trainer my day of contest weight could be somewhere around the 172 mark but shredded! The last time I competed I weighed 169, BUT I was not in good shape at all...I held way too much water and definitely was not in condition. It's really quite embarrassing when you prepare for 12 to 24 months and then show up only to look like crap. It's also a pretty good gut check on whether or not you really prepare properly. That won't happen again, I've worked out and watched my diet since college and have worked with my current trainer for 3.5 years. Although I'll probably compete novice I intend to win...that's my goal. He only trains winners. Call it what you will, but this is my sport, my passion and the activity that's changed my life. Going from a fat beer drinking offensive lineman to a lean athletic competitive bodybuilder was and is a big deal to me.

Anyway enough of the serious stuff. Today is an off day although I'll play some racquetball. I also have to do every nutritionist's nightmare, eat low carb AND low fat for two days. This will strip off bodyfat, but by not doing it longer than a couple of days I should retain my muscle mass. Hopefully I'll lose another quarter to half ince off my waist. I'll get some pictures up ASAP.

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