So the final week of training was the hardest part knowing that I was so close, but still had to stay sharp! My strategy was spot on and although I've heard not to train the last week, I felt great and I was able to come in lean as hell and full.
Thursday night I went to my trainer's house where he took a final measurement of 28 and 1/8th for my waist, THE SMALLEST IT'S EVER BEEN! We then practiced posing and went through a strategy for Friday and Saturday.
Friday I still kept the carbs and calories low, increased my potassium and lowered my sodium just a little bit. I drank about 1.5 gallons of water right up until 6pm.
Saturday I woke up and lost about 4 pounds and my waist was definitely below 28...crazy. I took a couple of photos which can be found on my facebook page. After my first and only coat of Protan it was breakfast time. I ate two glazed donuts, 4 rice cakes with Nutella and a cup of oatmeal. Up until the show I sipped water and sucked on candy from 10am til I went on at 2pm. I had a scoop of NO2 power about 30 minutes before I got on stage and poof, full hard and ripped!!!
Posing was definitely a challenge and I did get a little tired as the show moved on. After two classes and a lunch similar to breakfast I was ready for the night show. My routine went very well and I got a few cheers! Then during the posedown they lined us up and started to announce the winners....I thought for sure I was getting 3rd or 4th...low and behold I won 2nd place! This after a 4 year break from competing!!! I was and am still so excited and I felt that my hard work really paid off.
The post contest binge was amazing for that night and day after and after gaining 20 lbs and losing 15 of them I'm back on a healthy eating plan slowly increasing calories. I can't WAIT to do it all over again.