Friday, March 5, 2010

6 weeks out's such a bitch. When I first started this blog I weighed 182 and said I felt like I was about 10lbs away...well I'm down to the 170 mark and still have a bit to go. Last week I came in at 166 with a 28.75 inch waist...I think my upper body is really looking good. I have muscle striations in my chest, ab veins that extend up to my lats and my serratus is showing in full force. So knowing all this, how can I think about losing more fat...MY DAMN LEGS! I have been blessed/cursed with a large lower body. The issue is that this is now my 5th contest and yet I still have never had great definition in my legs. Granted I can at least see the separation and they are looking the best they've been, they still are jiggly.

So I'm trying something new...although I like the elliptical, it's just not very challenging anymore. It's great for getting the heart rate up and burning fat. Now this may be more theory than fact and I admit that (I'll leave the studies to my wife), but I'm going to try some sprint workouts and stair climbing. So cardio is a big focus for me this week...not length but type and quality. At 6 weeks out I'm really focused on the little things.

Finally, for pictures I'm going to just post the finished product. I've decided that I'd rather show off the work I've done when I'm done doing it and when I know for certain that I've left nothing on the table. So until April 17th, you have to come to the show to see.

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