Some things to do in these last few weeks:
Join a tanning salon: UUGGHH! I HATE tanning in a booth. It itches and I just don't like lying there in a pool of sweat...but it gets me nice and dry looking and hey who doesn't look better with a tan.
Pick a color for my trunks. Color is key here because with my skin tone it'll make you look better or just average. I've always gone with a darker blue or green.
Order Dream Tan. This will be new for me as I've always used pro-tan/jan tana. I've seen people in dream tan look really great though so I want to order a bottle early and try it on a small part of my body to see what it'll look like on me.
I'll figure out a posing routine at some point too...not too concerned though and I may just use the first one I did back in 2003.
That's all for now!
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