Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 weeks out

Is is sad that my "cheat meal" is a bowl of green beans and/or lettuce??? Yep that's where I'm at. I have given zero thought to food and essentially am sticking to my plan to get to the stage. Although one thing I did change this past couple of weeks was putting more essential fatty acids in my diet. I'm finding that with the extra omega 3s my mood is better and I feel a lot better overall. Combine that with the fact that I hit a new record at 164 lbs and 28.5 inch waist I'll take it!

So everyone in bodybuilding knows about "peak week" it's where most people eat excessive carbs to "recover" from 12 to 24 weeks of severe dieting. I'll probably not have that luxury. There's a good chance that I'll be dieting hard right up until Wednesday or Thursday. I find that I look best in the morning before I eat. Therefore I'll probably have a mild reintroduction to carbs and try to just hold my condition. I'm starting to feel like I can do well though and my conditioning is great.

Thanks coach Ted!

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