Thursday, February 11, 2010

My 3,100 calorie superbowl

Superbowl is probably my favorite party. Every year I get together with my training partners all of whom train for competition or extreme fitness. This means that we all eat like animals for 4 beautiful was pure bliss.

So here's my list of foods that totals to about 3,000 calories (yes I had to know).

Started with 16 mini nesle crunch bars - 800 calories
4 boneless buffalo wings - 250 calories
12 oz. rough estimate prime rib of beef - 500 calories
1 large brownie - 200 calories
2 slices of giant soft cookie cake - 200 calories
1 jelly donut - 250 calories
1 serving strawberry shortcake (two pillsbury biscuits, vanilla ice cream, strawberries) - 500 calories
Chips, dips, crackers, cheese, guacamole - roughly 400 calories

Total 3,100 calories
I rule :-)

The diet and cardio this week has been INSANE and I weighed in two pounds lighter than last week pre superbowl this morning...I'm thinking the temporary boost in metabolism was a good thing. Good night.

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